Red-eared Slider Turtle

The Red-eared Slider Turtle is an American species which is illegal to keep in Australia as it has become an invasive feral pest in several states. It is important to prevent this species spreading through the Murray-Darling Basin. Other related species are also illegal. Two Red-eared Slider Turtles have been found in the ACT, one an escaped pet and the other was living in a dam near the Murrumbidgee River.

People keeping exotic pets of a type which has not already become a feral pest are requested to take strong precautions. Aquarium plants and animals, reptiles and ferrets are types that have a proven record of establishing in the wild near the ACT. Please be responsible. Illegally held species can be surrendered.

Refer to the following identification sheet to note the differences between local native turtles and Red-eared Sliders. If you identify a Red-eared Slider Turtle in the ACT region please call Access Canberra on 13 22 81 with the time you saw it, a good description of its location and your phone number. Parks and Conservation officers will assess and investigate the report and then follow up with intensive trapping and netting if necessary.

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